My graduate assistantship (GA) is definitely going to be interesting. I will be working on a pilot research project in the fall and the actual research project in the spring working with bariatric patients. We are working with patients that had bariatric weight loss surgery within the past 8 weeks up to 1 year post-op in developing an exercise program. This topic hasn't been researched very much so it will kind of be trial and error to begin with. Hopefully in the future it will move from post-op to pre-op then to prevention. It is definitely a topic I am not familiar with but will definitely learn a lot.
With my GA I am also able to help with the HOPE program (older adults typically) and with my supervisor's undergraduate class that deals with this program. So basically, I will be doing a variety of things and gaining a lot of experience. I really like my supervisor, Cody because I think that we have the same interests in older adults and that he could help me make some great connections for the future.
Although everything is going well so far, I definitely miss WKU and everybody there. Plus, I don't want to hear another WKU person complain about parking. Because at UNCG it is definitely way worse. If you don't get to campus before 9am you have to automatically go to Park & Ride which is super busy.
Anyway, Brian is doing good. He is starting to apply for jobs and work on his portfolio for graduate school. I think that he is getting a bit restless and needs some time away from Penne, but overall doing okay.
Speaking of Penne. She is doing fine as well. We have found out that she is a destructor of toys. She has ripped through a red squeak toy (see pictures above), a cong toy and has shredded her rope (also see above, this also used to have tennis balls on it, see previous posts) into a million pieces. We might have to buy a new toy each month if she keeps it up. She is so cute when she plays (see the tongue hanging out above), but takes it very seriously and when she is in hot pursuit of a toy she even runs into doors although is unphased. Also our trainers had us upgrade to another collar because she doesn't mind being choked apparently. So that was another dog expense we weren't expecting. She is still cute and keeps us laughing.
We are looking forward to September and all of the events that it will bring!
She really can make a mess. Nothing like really getting into playing.